Student Academic Progress

The standard for student academic progress ensures teachers are providing effective instruction that teaches students according to the state requirements. Data is a crucial aspect of assessments and reflective teaching. In order to maintain a detailed record of student academic progress, I collect pretest data to create a baseline, frequently communicate academic progress with students, and reflect on student academic growth.

Pretest Data
Creating a baseline for student academic progress is essential for developing goals and objectives for student growth. Pretests are easy measures of student academic performance.


View my East Asia pretest for World Geography here.




Students need frequent feedback to promote successful learning. Blackboard and Synergy are two methods for communicating with students, parents, and administration. Here is a letter that I sent home to students and parents at the beginning of student teaching.

Reflecting on Academic Growth
Monitoring student progress and reflecting on student academic growth allows for more effective instruction and adaptive teaching strategies.

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Record of Student Academic Progress

East Asia Post-Test