Instructional Delivery

The standard for instructional delivery includes seven aspects that address active learning, building upon prior knowledge and skills, differentiating instruction, consistently reinforcing learning goals, using varied and effective instructional strategies, incorporating instructional technology to enhance student learning, communicating clearly, and assessing student comprehension. My instructional delivery strategies are effective, because they promote a consistent learning environment, utilize diverse and inclusive activities, and engage students through technology.

Instructional Strategies
Consistent but varied instructional strategies give students the opportunity to take ownership of their learning in a safe and supportive environment.

During each unit, students in my World Geography class would select, analyze, and share a current event related to the region of the world we were studying in that unit. Students used the same current event format throughout the year but had control over the articles selected. My students loved connecting their own interests, like sports or music, to what we were discussing in class.


To see a sample current event, click here or the image above.

Unit maps are another way that I provide consistency and variety in the classroom. Students complete a new map at the beginning of each unit. These maps serve as talking points throughout the unit.

Inclusive Activities
Each student is unique, and I try to provide options for every type of learner in my classroom. In addition to group work, I utilize graphic organizers, slot notes, and extra enrichment activities for students of all learning levels. Stations are one of my favorite instructional strategies to reach every learner.

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My World History classes completed a CSI: Florence murder mystery the day before Spring Break. They worked in groups to examine evidence from the crime scene and develop an evidence-based argument to identify the murderer.

Students use technology in almost every aspect of their daily lives. Technology that is seamlessly integrated into instruction can help students master the content. I frequently use presentations, short video clips, and webquests in the classroom.
