Classroom Management

The standard for classroom management demonstrates the importance of a strong classroom management plan. Effective classroom management is key to creating a nurturing classroom environment.  A classroom management plan benefits both students and teachers by creating expectations, responsibility, and consistency in the classroom. My classroom management plan includes both direct and indirect strategies for maintaining positive classroom behavior. My Open lines of communication, structure, and supportive relationships are central aspects of my Classroom Management Plan.

Open lines of communication with students, parents, and administration helps build positive relationships in the classroom and at home. I have experience using Blackboard, Synergy, and other online learning platforms to communication with students, parents, and administration.


Providing students with structure and support builds positive classroom relationships, minimizes classroom disruptions, and maximizes instructional time. I provide consistent structure through the daily agenda and class schedule. Procedures for using the restroom, sharpening pencils, turning in work, and contributing to class are also consistent and fair.


Supportive Relationships with Students
I support students and encourage them by displaying their artwork in the classroom and actively listening to their feedback during class. I provide students with ample opportunities to ask questions, make suggestions, and get extra help with content. One of my students’ favorite classroom items was the suggestion box. They could submit appropriate suggestions for quick 5 minute lectures, and I would randomly select one to discuss in class. The history of hairlines was a class favorite.

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